I can remember clearly the emotions and feelings I had each time that I ventured into the bathroom to see what the magical stick would have to say for my family’s future.
I have had the joy and pleasure on four different occasions of seeing the magic little stick confirm what I already knew in my heart – soon we would have a child to love, know and guide. Seven years later, we have three kids whom we are having a blast watching grow and learn and one baby we can’t wait to meet in heaven.
One thing that we experienced during our last pregnancy was an uncertainty of just how far along we truly were. My usually monthly particulars were not the same that month, or the month before. I doubted whether I was 4 or 8 weeks along. I didn’t want to be embarrassed at the midwife’s office and show them just how much I didn’t know my body. I wished at the time there had been something that could have helped me determine this on my own. So, I was very excited to hear about Clearblue Advanced Pregnancy Test with Weeks Estimator.
While I didn’t have it to help me in my moment of need and I ultimately discovered the truth with an ultrasound, I am excited for the many other women that will be able to use this product and have the knowledge and insight I missed out on. This new Clearblue product not only provides women with the clear answer of whether they are pregnant, but now also helps give an estimate of the number of weeks they are pregnant, providing more information right at the beginning of their pregnancy (an already uncertain and emotional time).
More Information on Clearblue Advanced Pregnancy Test with Weeks Estimator, from the manufacturer:
- It is over 99% accurate from your expected period at detecting the typical pregnancy hormone levels (hormone levels vary)
- It is approximately 93% accurate in estimating the number of weeks pregnant based on the time since ovulation
- It is the #1 test choice of OB/GYNs and 84% of OB/GYNs agree that the new Clearblue Advanced Pregnancy Test with Weeks Estimator offers helpful information
- It is cleared by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA)
- Has a digital display, showing results with words: Not Pregnant; Pregnant 1-2; Pregnant 2-3; Pregnant 3+
Knowing how far along in your pregnancy you are right from the very beginning can help overly obsessive planners like myself feel in control and more organized in an already hormonal driven time of life. I only wish this product had been around during my own pregnancies!
For more information on the Clearblue Advanced Pregnancy Test with Weeks Estimator, visit Clearblue on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
Philippa is a working mother of three kids. She works at her local church in Maryland and is also the Executive Coordinator for Confident Gamers, a video game business founded together with her husband. In her spare time (approximately 5 minutes a day), Philippa likes to think of, plan and prepare for fun and different activities she can engage her family in for the upcoming weekend.
Disclosure: This post is part of a sponsorship with BabyCenter and Clearblue. Compensation was received in order to facilitate this post. All thoughts and opinions are our own.
Photos courtesy of Clearblue

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