From the category archives:


More Relaxed the Second Pregnancy?


I always heard that on your second pregnancy, and those thereafter, you tend to be way more relaxed. That is, you’re not stressing every little detail of your pregnancy or the baby. You’re not as paranoid and things don’t have to be “perfect.” I find myself in that situation. I am now 24 weeks pregnant […]

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Travel Tips for Expectant Moms


In the past two weeks, I’ve taken two separate trips – one to New York City for the BlogHer 2010 conference and the other to Chicago for a brand event. I have a third trip coming up next week. With three trips requiring airplane travel in just one month, I was concerned a) that I wouldn’t […]

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Finding Out Sex of Our Baby – 18 Week Sonogram


There are days I still find it hard to believe that I’m pregnant. Of course, I know I’m pregnant. I know there’s a baby inside me. I see my belly bulging out. But, particularly on those days when I don’t feel the baby moving much, there’s no constant reminder of “being pregnant.” That’s why I […]

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Butterflies in My Stomach…Literally


I’ve begun to feel the flutter of wings – or rather, baby feet – in my stomach. It seems early, but I’m told that can happen when it’s not your first pregnancy. It took a few times for me to realize what it was I was actually feeling. With all the various pains, pulls, and […]

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Longing to Hear the Drumming of Your Baby’s Heart Beat


Hearing your baby’s heart beat is one of those experiences that I cannot truly describe using words. If you’ve never experienced it, it will be hard for you to truly understand that feeling you get at hearing buh-bump buh-bump buh-bump over and over again. Your whole body fills up with joy and your own heart […]

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