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Butterflies in My Stomach…Literally


I’ve begun to feel the flutter of wings – or rather, baby feet – in my stomach. It seems early, but I’m told that can happen when it’s not your first pregnancy. It took a few times for me to realize what it was I was actually feeling. With all the various pains, pulls, and […]

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Big Sister Love

Being a Big Sister

As I mentioned a few weeks back, our baby girl is super excited that she’ll soon be a big sister. Every day she rubs my belly, kisses my belly, and talks to the baby. Everything I do revolves around the baby in her mind. Take a shower? “Is the baby clean now mommy?” If I […]

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Win a Baby Carrier for your Baby!


With our first child, we never got around to buying a baby carrier. Which is strange, because we carried her quite a bit. So much so, that the older relatives would often give us the “if you carry her too much, she’ll get spoiled” speech. But, of course, she isn’t and we enjoyed carrying and […]

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Longing to Hear the Drumming of Your Baby’s Heart Beat


Hearing your baby’s heart beat is one of those experiences that I cannot truly describe using words. If you’ve never experienced it, it will be hard for you to truly understand that feeling you get at hearing buh-bump buh-bump buh-bump over and over again. Your whole body fills up with joy and your own heart […]

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No “Baby X” Here. Looking for Baby Names Early.


Choosing a baby name can be a difficult task. If you’re like my husband and I and want a semi-original name, this can become even more challenging. For our daughter, we had a name picked out years in advance. As in, before we even got married. We liked the name and it always stuck with […]

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