- The most unexpected people will help you. That young, single guy who you might think wants nothing to do with children? He’s going to be the one to help you load the stroller on and off the airport x-ray machine.
- Older couples can either be extremely kind, sympathetic, and helpful or the exact opposite.
- Changing a diaper on a plane is one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. They seriously need to make the spaces bigger on airplanes these days.
- Breastfeeding in a tiny window seat is also hard. Luckily, I managed not to flash too many people.
- People like to stare. It seems that when you are carrying a suitcase, diaper bag, baby, and pushing a stroller, people think it’s amusing.
- Baby boy is a girl-magnet and flirt. Everyone loved him and he, in turn, also loved the attention.
- Apparently, baby boy is also a fan of big, fluffy hotel beds. He hung out on that bed for a long time while I did some work and again the next morning while I showered and got ready. He has never hung out on our bed for more than 10 minutes without starting to fuss.
- You may not think so, but it is in fact possible to eat a complete meal with one hand while also nursing your baby.
- Hotel room service is the best thing ever for a woman traveling by herself with a baby.
- Single parents are super-heroes. I already appreciated single parents and had a hard time imagining how they do everything by themselves, but traveling with an infant on my own gave me a whole new perspective.

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